Mellat Bank

According to the enactment approval dated 20th December, 1980 of Banks General Assembly and by article 17 of Banks Affairs Administration Law, Bank Mellat was established on 22nd July1980 by merger of 10 private banks under No. 38077 of Companies Registry Administration.
After notifying policies of article 44 of the constitution and inclusion of Bank Mellat in the related list, and on the strength of - approval No. 37925T/68985 dated 24th July 2007 of the Board of Ministers, and decision of Extraordinary General Assembly of banks on 6th April 2008, the legal identity of Bank Mellat converted to “public joint stock”. Accordingly, Bank Mellat was included in the List of Tehran Stock Exchange as 448th listed company on 11th February 2009, and 5% of its stocks (Equities- Shares) were offered in Tehran Stock Exchange on 19th of Feb. 2009