Association of petroleum Industry, Engineering And Construnction Companies

The Association of petroleum industry engineering and construction companies (APEC) consists of private companies active in the fields of engineering, implementing plans and oil industry projects.
It was established in 1990 and consists of 213 member companies.
The structure of the Association contains of secretary general, the board of directors, board of inspectors, board of arbitration and expert committees.
The Associations goal is to satisfy the rights and the legitimate demands of its members and also cooperate with local and international companies in planning and executing projects in the oil and petrochemical industries. 

The Association of petroleum industry engineering and construction companies (APEC) consists of private companies active in the fields of engineering, implementing plans and oil industry projects.
It was established in 1990 and consists of 213 member companies.
The structure of the Association contains of secretary general, the board of directors, board of inspectors, board of arbitration and expert committees.
The Associations goal is to satisfy the rights and the legitimate demands of its members and also cooperate with local and international companies in planning and executing projects in the oil and petrochemical industries.