Economy Radio Network on the twenty-ninth day of October 1386 issued in conjunction with the management of Dr. Abdulkarim Khayamic was established under the business name. The network programmer called Iran's groups and trade, and trade, science and business world every day 7 hours (4 hour and 3 hours of repeats) on the FM wave 2/107 MHz row player for your audience in Tehran can be.
In 1390, it was the sound department with regard to the scope of the mission of this network upgrade economic and trade name of the network at the same time it will also play 11 hours to the 18 hours. Following the welcome and the authorities audience of this action and given the diversity of the programs and the need to respond to the growing needs of the audience, time network broadcasting to 24 hours ninth of September 1390 increased.
Fit new conditions in order to achieve the goals of the new network is intended for a network of eighteen July 1391 on the establishment of the fifth group called the Department of Economics and Agriculture, Construction previous four programs called "economy, science and progress." , "economics and information", "economics and Technology" and "economics, trade and services" should be renamed
:Builder application groups
Department of Economics and society
Industrial and trading group
Group Business
Department of Agriculture